12 Days of Christmas Stories 2019 – Day 9

By December 17, 2019 12 Days of Christmas

Pure Joy.


Every Monday we kick off our week with a full team meeting via Zoom to capture us all. We share our highlight reel from the week prior to get our head in the game for the week ahead. One recruiter in particular enthusiastically stepped forward to share her story about Paul. He was one of her first placements over 2 years ago and hired on as a perm employee. He called her last week to thank her for placing him there, and he let her know that he’s our contact now because he was recently promoted! HOW COOL IS THAT!?


I love telling stories and I take particular pride in being able to gather and share stories from our entire team. What brings me even more joy, is watching our team share their stories. She was beaming with light, even stomping her foot to further emphasize the story. Being witness to such joy from the heart filled me up with pride.


I’m purposeful with my words here, I’m speaking of JOY –and unlike happiness, it’s not temporary or driven by what’s happening around us but rather comes from the soul and within us.


A few more stories of joy

  • Natalie moved here from Europe after having taken care of her parents for 5 years. Upon meeting her we could feel her energy immediately. It was evident she gave her everything and cared a LOT. We got her placed in a position that fit her skills and her heart. She is caring, kind and consistently received raving performance reviews. When we were on site to recognize her, her team began chanting her name! She called us every week to share her enthusiasm and joy with us, and more recently to share with us that because of her job she was able to secure her first home with her husband! (little does she realize, it was because of who she was that she experienced this success; we’re so proud to work with Natalies)
  • Often, I find joy in our office. One particular person was sent to me as a ‘story’ internally. When you cross paths with her, you can’t miss the pure joy within her!  She also reflects who we are as an organization; it’s what makes her a rockstar. I can’t quite put my finger on it always or put it into words, but it’s reflected in her interactions immediately upon entering our business, and she’s a joy magnet on our team and beyond as people are drawn to her.
  • When I get an email with more exclamation points than I can count, it’s a trigger that it might be a good one to include here. When your work life and family life collide in a joyful way – it’s something special. Without divulging too many details; in her words: ”My story was just being able to help people that were close to my heart” -> I just think that’s pretty cool.

Merry Christmas to you and yours,


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