Expectations + Disappointment = Frustration
I was sitting in my toddlers room at bedtime teetering between losing my mind and keeping my cool – we’ve all been there, right? It occurs to me in that moment (as I’m desperately hanging on to the cool), that I have expectations of him based on me. He’s not even 3. I needed to check myself. It got me thinking – how often do we have expectations of ourselves, others, or even expectations of outcomes? I find that we all as humans have them often….
- Larry had a rough start in position – he was coached early on for performance as he wasn’t hitting the mark; it wasn’t looking promising and as such, we expected to be on the exit ramp fairly quickly especially once the performance was coupled with attendance concerns. He took our feedback in stride and he did something about it…He put in the work and we were right there with him along the way. When the customer reached out to let us know he was being considered for Full Time, we were OVER the moon. Way to go, Larry.
- Dan worked for us for a while and got let go – the client didn’t provide us with any feedback as to why and so, we decided to work with him again. We were hearing one side of the story and we were open and honest with him that it was only one side. Having that ending call and being real with him gave him permission to trust us and to be honest with us going forward. We placed him again, he showed us that trust and rapport in position as we had regular dialogue with him that was super constructive and helpful; he stood out as a shining star this year and he ended up getting hired on perm as a result. Thanks, Dan for exceeding our expectations!
- Sometimes we think of warnings as the beginning of the end…..Marty started working for us and after about 2 months he started to have significant attendance issues. A verbal warning was issued and it didn’t improve, which resulted in a written warning….and it clicked! Months have gone by without a single hiccup – way to go Marty!
- From a star performer: “When I was looking for a job two years ago to get back on my feet, I didn’t know how great of an opportunity I was about to have. I owe you a big thank you for helping me find my place. I will miss this job and everyone else here! It was so great to be recognized and I am so grateful! Thanks to you for everything”
- We often work with folks new to the job market, like Lance. At 18 years old, he didn’t realize the importance of talking to his family about holiday meals, timing, travel, days off, etc – and we didn’t realize it wasn’t crystal clear that proactive communication was expected for time off in the work place. SO, it became a very real reminder for us all to clearly communicate expectations of one another to continue on the path toward success.
Someone once told me that Frustration is when Expectations and Disappointment collide and I repeat that phrase daily. Next time, pause and ask yourself “who made the expectations and are they clear?” Here’s to hoping it’s helpful for you in “Keeping your cool” in the future 😊
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