12 Days of Christmas Stories: Day 11

Day 11: Perfectly Imperfect.

Today is my dad’s birthday. It was fitting to be at church with live music and the kids running around and dancing, he would have loved it. Since he was born on the eve of Christmas, he always joked he was a few hours shy of being perfect. None of us are perfect, we know that right? It’s a challenge and a blessing for us to see others for who they are now and not who they were when they made a bad choice or who we see on paper.

  • We met Matt in the parking lot of work. He drove there but didn’t go in, he decided he wasn’t fit for duty. We drove him home. About a week later he checked himself into a rehab program ❤ We were one of his first phone calls when he left, he was super honest and vulnerable with us about his struggles and where he was at. We placed him in a new role where we were transparent with all parties and he’s had perfect attendance and is getting hired on perm. Way to go, Matt!
  • When Grant came to us he was struggling to find work because he had convictions on his record. At 21 years old he had a story to tell and needed someone to hear him out. Through partnership and conversation with our client, he got started and was hired on perm.
  • Jonah had a background from a poor choice in 1987 that followed him, with no convictions between then and now (and having served his time) – his story was heard by a client that was a small environment and heard him out. He was super respectful, had found his faith while incarcerated and was an excellent communicator. He too was hired on, we’re still cheering for you, Jonah!
  • Robbie had a pretty hefty background, he was genuine and honest about looking for a work place to call home. We got him placed in a position where they heard his story, believed in him and gave him a shot – success!
  • Mohamed was eager to start, he demonstrated he was ready by rearranging his calendar to do a last minute client interview and complete paperwork. He had great communication! A few minutes into his 3rrd shift start, he text that he couldn’t get his car started…by morning he already had an appointment for his car and had a backup plan. To our surprise, the supervisor said “end his assignment” – when we called to inquire the supervisor said it was reported they saw him pull in the parking lot and leave. But when we spoke with him he said he couldn’t even get his car started. We called Mohamed to genuinely listen and we did the same for the client. Instead of taking his answer at face value because of his authority we sought to understand and find the truth. Proud to say we were an advocate for both Mohamed and the client here and it was a win for everyone!

See you tomorrow,


#TheVisionCompanies #christmas2022 #WeAppreicateYou #onepersonatatime #12daysofchristmasstories #perfectlyimperfect #nooneisperfect

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