Day 9: Who you know.
The President of one of our Customers referred us to Jackie, his mom. How’s that for a referral? Jackie worked at a funeral home and had been held at gun point; when she called her son he drove to meet her right away – and tell her it was time for a new job. She was in our office the very next day. She was thrown into a crossroads of her life, she was scared and looking at a major life shift. The funeral home provided her with her housing in addition to her livelihood. We sat with her, we listened and provided support the best we knew how. Shortly after, she interviewed with a client of ours and it was like magic – totally hit it off. She loved them, they loved her and even shared with her that they owned several apartment complexes and would be happy to help her with relocating. She’s their permanent employee now and could not be happier ❤
I know lots of people who don’t like referrals or to do work with people they know – and it’s hard for me to wrap my head around because that is where the magic happens – working within the space of who you know, where trust is already a solid foundation. These stories and emails are just a fraction of the lives impacted each year; stay tuned for more tomorrow.
#TheVisionCompanies #christmas2022 #WeAppreicateYou #onepersonatatime #12daysofchristmasstories #whoyouknow #networking #referrals