Previously Terminated? How to Discuss the Elephant in the Room with your Interviewer

By February 14, 2022 Job Seekers

No one ever wants to hear the phrase “you’re fired,” but that doesn’t mean it has to be the end of your career. You’ll have a chance to recover from your mistakes and find new opportunities in the future. However, as you start looking for your next job, you’ll have to answer questions about what happened. Here are a few things to consider as you start your job search again.

Be Honest

An interviewer will ask you why you left your last job. And if you lie about it, the reference check will uncover the truth. Be honest, but don’t dwell on the things that went wrong. Explain what happened without hesitation, and move on to the next topic. You need to be confident about what you’re saying but not cross a line into arrogance.

Learn from It

Life is a long learning experience. And your termination was one lesson along the way. When asked, focus on what you learned from the experience. For example, if you had trouble meeting deadlines, talk about how you have learned new strategies to help you better manage your time. Regardless of what happened, talk about the lessons you learned that make you a better employee.

Avoid Negativity

You will have a lot of emotions tied up in the termination. It’s vital that you’re never negative about it with the interviewer. It’s a major red flag when you speak poorly about a previous company. Stay positive when talking about your last job and focus more on the future.

Take Responsibility

The interviewer will take everything you say into account when making their hiring decision. They need to know that you’ve learned from your mistakes and that you take responsibility. This can show significant growth and benefit the company when they decide who to hire in the new role. Emphasize how you’ve taken responsibility for your actions and that this failure was a chance to learn and grow.


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