Is it really the end of 2022? It seems like the year has just started. But we’re about to flip the calendar page as we ring in the New Year. Now is the best time to reflect on the last year and the growth you’ve made in your career. What questions should you ask yourself now that the year is almost over?
Did You Meet Your Career Goals?
This is a broad look at what you wanted to accomplish and where you are now in your job. Did you meet or exceed your goals? Did you come across stumbling blocks? If so, what were they? Ask yourself the questions to uncover where you were and where you are now to determine your next steps.
Did You Learn or Earn More Skills?
Sometimes we have a hard time seeing the forest through the trees. Take a step back and look at the skills you picked up this year. Make a list. Write down everything you learned, big or small. You may have overlooked some skills because you didn’t think they were a big deal. But all these are important to your growth and can even be resume builders when you’re ready to look for a new job.
Did You Grow Your Network?
Everyone should spend time each year expanding their network. How did you meet new people in a professional capacity? Did you follow or connect to new people on LinkedIn? Did you attend events or conferences this year? Were there new business leaders in your community that you reached out to? If you didn’t, take time now to research and follow five new people on LinkedIn.
Did You Course Correct When Needed?
Goals don’t have to be black or white. Maybe your stated goal at the beginning of the year didn’t pan out to be what you expected, so you corrected it along the way. Not only is that fine, but it’s also encouraged. No one should continue down a path inconsistent with their long-term goals. If you uncover that you have not course corrected but need to, create a plan to make that change now.
If you’re considering a new career as part of your 2023 goals, consider searching with The Vision Companies!