Every story, no matter how big or small is a story worth being told. I wanted to share some special moments from several others that have shared theirs along the way. Thank you for filling up my cup with your stories, and may you never forget the lives that you’ve touched:
Part of an email to Dan:
Your diligence is always appreciated. You are well suited for your job and of all the staffing consultants I’ve worked with (plenty!) you are well tuned to not only job seekers but also the needs of the positions you fill. I have and will continue to recommend you in a second.
-Grace works for us currently and has worked 13 positions for us since 2005
An employee hired perm:
I can’t thank you enough for all that you have done, your spirit and confidence has been more than inspiring. I am truly enjoying every day and every opportunity that [Customer] has to offer. The gift card will be a jump start to many glorious days to come. Thanks for thinking of me, Dallas.
An employee that interviewed with us:
“I’m just looking for an opportunity – of all the agencies- I’ve worked with 8 or something….You’re just very well educated, down to earth & I mean – you can read my mind!! I want you to know I appreciate it.”
From a Customer:
You guys always knock it out of the park with the people you bring to us! We have hired on 4 of the 4 people you have sent us and they are all still here!
From an employee:
I wanted to express my gratitude for the help I received from Vision Staffing Solutions. I was reluctant to use a staffing agency, but after speaking with April and Miranda I felt very much at ease. They weren’t trying to just push me through the system, they were both very patient with me and asked a lot of good questions to make sure they fully understood my skills and what I was specifically looking for. I am confident that this process will produce a good fit for all involved.
Christmas a few years ago:
An older couple was in the conference room and asked me if Courtney was in this office, so I [Deb] went and got Courtney for her.
When Courtney walked in, she introduced herself and handed Courtney some homemade Christmas cookies and said:
“I just want to thank you. When my husband lost his job he was so deflated & lost. It’s not supposed to be, but it is hard to find a job, start over at our age. Then he met with you, and you made him feel he had Value to give to a company. You found him this great job and made him feel good about himself again. I don’t know if I can ever thank you enough for that.”
Just a couple warm fuzzies to remember what we do every day!
Cheers to a Merry Christmas,
~Heather Farr