Feedback, especially when your peers provide it, can be highly impactful. This information can help you grow into a better employee and guide you toward your next step. Have you ever participated in a peer interview? Some companies rely on an interview with the prospective team to understand how you might work together if you’re hired. Here are some questions you can ask your potential future colleagues to get the most out of the peer interview.
Ask About Their Jobs and Duties
This is an excellent time to get a better understanding of what it is that the department does and how you would fit in. Ask about their jobs, daily duties, and how they work together. Ask them how your role would fit into the bigger picture.
Ask How You Would Succeed on Their Team
You also want to know how success is measured within the organization. You want to know how your team views success. What do you need to bring to the table to ensure your success in the role? This can be information about knowledge, tools, or soft skills.
Ask About What’s Expected from a New Employee
It can also help to get a feeling for what’s expected from someone just joining the team. How fast do they expect someone to acclimate to the environment and pick up the work? What kind of support do they provide for someone just learning on the job?
Ask How they Like to Communicate with Team Members
Ask about the way they communicate together as a team. Some companies have a very heads-down approach. Others are much more collaborative. There may be regular conversations in a more casual tone, or the group may prefer more formal discussions.
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