12 Days of Christmas Stories – Day 3

By December 22, 2018 December 27th, 2018 12 Days of Christmas

Tonight I went to dinner to celebrate a friend’s birthday. Good food, good company, and great dialogue. Of all the things he said, one thing was so simple and true and it sat with me:

“You have two choices. Be miserable or be happy. Life is short, why wouldn’t you choose happy?”

Amen. Right?

Don’t get me wrong, I love to have dialogue and discussion and see differing points of view and perspectives. But tonight, I really loved that. I believe that with all of my heart. Every day we have choices to make – so many choices to make and we can own them as our choices or we can pretend like we’re not able to have a say. But at the end of the day, we have choices and we need to be conscious about which ones we’re making.

Here’s a few stories of choice:

  • Chas worked for us in 2016 where he was hired on at our customer….and then he became our contact. Recently he found himself looking for a job again and he came back to us. Everyone here still remembers Chas because he made such a positive impression with us all. – Thanks, Chas for being a rockstar
  • Bob works for us right now, and although it was a bit of a long road to get him working due to pre-employments, etc. He started! Then we had a paycheck/timecard issue, then his check got lost in the mail, etc etc. What’s so cool about Bob? He’s communicated through it all and although not every conversation has been good news, he has always chosen to have an awesome attitude and confidence it would get worked out – and it did. Thanks Bob for your faith in us as your partner!
  • Katie started a position with us in August and it wasn’t quite what she thought it would be. She felt underutilized and that she had more to offer. She called us, we were happy to advocate for her and talk through how to be a voice for herself too. Together we bridged the gap and she is being utilized to her full potential – not only that, the customer is SO HAPPY that something was said so the growth opportunity was there. That takes courage, and that takes a conscious decision. Thanks Katie for being great!
  • Matt worked for us this summer and he was over the moon happy with his position – he sent US flowers to say thanks! What a great guy! Matt – thank YOU for showing up every day with the awesome attitude that you have and paying it forward!

Choose Happy.

Merry Christmas to you and yours,


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