People Connectors
We’re connecting people every single day. We have so much fun giving and connecting to see what unfolds. This time of year it’s fun to reflect on the connections made, the impact felt, and really celebrate what we get to do every day.
I’ll keep it brief, lots of stories today 😊
- Martha was one of those super memorable interviews – she came to us from a position where she wasn’t treated well and had the courage to leave and find her way back to us from many years ago. She had an upcoming surgery scheduled and wouldn’t be able to start for several weeks – they met with her anyway. They offered right away, waited, and she’s been there ever since!
- We interviewed a candidate that seemed great, so sweet and motivated to work. As we are doing the background check we realize there is a story that needs to be told, a string of drug and theft related felonies from 2012-2017. As it turns out she was a recovering addict and trying to make her life right. We had the conversation with our customer and they met with her and loved her! Since then she became a star performer and was hired on perm!
- Our employee called us and said she needed to take time off and was giving us notice. We asked if she wanted to use her PTO for it and she was in shock – she was so pumped to hear she had PTO to use and had no idea. She said “I have never worked with a staffing company who would pay me for time off!”
- Pat came to us looking for part-time work but might be able to work full-time in the future. We had a client that had mentioned something about a need and wasn’t sure. Ultimately they met with her and they were set on hiring her. She celebrated 5 years there this year and we were thrilled to see her boss when he visited and reminded us she’s one his first few hires ❤
- We worked with someone in 2019 and they ended due to attendance. He came back and had his affairs in order and again started out rough so we had some serious conservations with him. He got it aligned and really wanted to stick it out because he loved the job. Flash forward in the year, and he was interviewing for a full time spot. We prepped him for the interview and he got the job! Then he declined it….he didn’t like the pay so he couldn’t see beyond it. Again through more conversations about the entire picture and package he accepted and is official – as well as very happy ❤
- Johnny is resilient! He was working in a new role but noticed people were leaving, ultimately we had a conflict at the client site and a culture problem. Through conversations with him, them, and us we all were able to align on a plan going forward and it felt like there was progress and instead of being a part of a problem he was able to be a part of the solution to fix it. Together he demonstrated commitment, communication, and trust once all parties stayed in touch and connected.
Thank you for coming on this journey with us…connecting One Person at a Time
See you tomorrow,
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#thevisioncompanies #12daysofchristmas #12daysofchristmasstories #graditudetrain #weappreicateyou #wethankyou #personalgrowth #lookforthegood #onepersonatatime #grateful #lifeisprecious #makegreatchoices #eachdayisagift #peopleconnectors