Day 12: Be the light.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it”
Everyone’s story is different. The intensity of each persons experience is different. This year has been particularly challenging with the loss of my brother. He is deeply missed by his wife, two daughters, our mom, family & friends. A light in the darkness cannot be hidden. It’s obvious. It can easily be found. Among the dark of this year, our family continues to let His light shine through us. My mom loves stories of all kinds and especially these Christmas Stories, they are a source of light. This one is for her – forever my greatest referral source as she’s a true people connector and she doesn’t even know it.
• Derek is friends with the office manager at our bank. He was job searching but hadn’t yet been successful in finding the right role and was apprehensive about where to go for help. His friend gave Mary his number, she knew she’d take care of him. He had recently completed his CDL and was looking to transition his career but didn’t have hours in a truck so it was hard to find someone who would give him the opportunity. Derek was super communicative and what was telling of his character was what he does in his past time – he coaches youth football and works on empowerment training with high school youth and meets them where they are at. Derek is light to so many. A quick conversation here, some creative thinking there and just like that *magic* – Derek was hired on within an week of being in his role, he was and continues to be an All Star employee. Derek, our entire team has loved working with you – thank you for being so great.
To all of you – may you be the light and see the light today, tomorrow and always.
Shine on and have a very blessed CHRISTmas. See you next year.
#TheVisionCompanies #christmas2022 #WeAppreicateYou #onepersonatatime #12daysofchristmasstories #bethelight #shineon #blessed