Have you recently left a job but now you’re having second thoughts? There are so many reasons for leaving, so it’s important to consider whether your thoughts lead you back in the right direction. If you’re considering trying to get your old job back, here are a few tips that will help you make the decision and have a smooth transition.
Is Going Back What You Want?
You left for a reason. Before you decide to go back, think hard about whether it’s the right move for you and your career at this time. Think about the reasons you left and what that might mean for your goals in the short and long term. If you left because of problems in the workplace, the commute, or other circumstances, you’d want to see if those will still be factors that can cause dissatisfaction.
Meet With Your Former Boss
Before deciding to go back, set up a meeting with your former boss. Even if you don’t end up working for them directly again, you can gain some insight about the company since you last left. And you’ll want to be sure you’re on good terms with your former boss so they can put in a good word for you wherever you land within the company when you return.
Get a Recommendation from a Coworker
Depending on the length of time you’ve been away, it’s always helpful to get a recommendation from a former coworker who is still on the job. You can talk to them about your interest in returning and have them write a letter. You can also use them as one of your references when you speak to HR or the hiring manager about returning to your former workplace.
Determine Your Plan B
It may not always be feasible to return to a former job. If you’re unable to go back to work there, whether it’s your decision or the employer’s decision, it’s essential to have a plan B in place. Don’t rely on getting an old job back or finding a new role at your former employer. Instead, make a plan to continue your job search to find a position that’s best suited to your goals, interests, and skills.
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