How to Answer the Infamous “Why Do You Want To Work Here” Interview Question

By June 19, 2023 Job Seekers

Employers will ask many questions in the interview to determine if candidates are a good fit for their company. Some of those questions feel like “gotcha” questions designed to trip you up. Other questions will uncover the more profound things that address if you’re a great candidate for the role. If you’re prepared, you can have a great answer demonstrating your excitement and interest. One of those infamous questions is, “Why do you want to work here?” Here’s how you should answer.

Express Your Interest and Passion

This is an excellent place to showcase how well you prepared and researched the company before your meeting. Tell them about something you appreciate from their company’s mission or culture. Talk about your passion for the work or what they do in the community.

Explain Why You Like the Role

You can also give them insight into why you like this particular role and how it fits your career goals and interests. There was a reason you got involved in your industry, so tap into that for your answer. When you demonstrate your reason why, you can discover your shared values.

Describe What Success Looks Like

This is also a way to discuss what you see for yourself regarding success. Incorporate your long-term goals with the specific description of the job and the company itself. That can give you a way to talk about how you will measure milestones in your career.

Be Specific

What’s most important is to be specific and not fall back on scripted responses. Use examples from the job description or company values to illustrate what you want to get from this job and working for this company. You will only blend in with your competition if you’re too generic.

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