How to Gauge a Potential Employee’s Trustworthiness

By April 15, 2024 Managers

In the quest to build a strong and reliable team, finding a talented and trustworthy candidate is paramount. Trustworthiness is the foundation upon which productive and positive workplace relationships are built. However, gauging a candidate’s integrity during the hiring process can be challenging. Here are several strategies to help you effectively assess potential hires’ trustworthiness.

Inquire About Their Core Values

A person’s core values are the guiding principles that dictate behavior and action; understanding what values a candidate holds dear can offer insights into their trustworthiness. During the interview, ask open-ended questions about the values they believe are essential in the workplace. For example, “Can you share an instance where your values significantly influenced your work decisions?” How a candidate discusses their values and provides concrete examples can give you a clearer picture of their ethical framework and reliability.

Discuss Past Mistakes and Their Handling

Everyone makes mistakes, but the key lies in acknowledging and learning from them. Asking candidates about a time they made a mistake and how they handled it can reveal a lot about their honesty, accountability, and ability to take responsibility. Trustworthy individuals can admit their faults, take corrective actions, and view their errors as learning opportunities. Pay attention to the candidate’s openness in discussing their mistakes and whether they can demonstrate personal growth from the experience.

Ask About Acts of Integrity

Asking candidates to share a time when they stood up for what they believed in, even when challenging or unpopular, can provide insights into their character and integrity. This question allows candidates to demonstrate their moral courage and commitment to their principles. Listen for stories where candidates prioritized doing the right thing over personal gain or convenience, indicating a solid ethical compass.

Conduct Thorough Reference Checks

References can provide valuable insights into a candidate’s past behavior and trustworthiness. When conducting reference checks, go beyond verifying employment dates and titles; ask about the candidate’s reliability, ethical conduct, and how they handled confidential information. Inquire about specific situations that showcase the candidate’s integrity. Remember, a candid conversation with a former manager or colleague can offer a glimpse into the candidate’s character and work ethic.

Consider Background Checks

For positions that require handling sensitive information or financial responsibilities, conducting a background check can be a prudent step. Background checks can verify the candidate’s employment history, criminal record, and educational background. While a background check should not be the sole determinant of a candidate’s trustworthiness, it can provide additional peace of mind and safeguard the organization against potential risks.

Employers can better understand a candidate’s character and integrity by asking the right questions and conducting thorough checks.

Are you struggling to find employees you can trust? Connect with our team at The Vision Companies


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