Givers Gain
Tonight Grandma asked how I can possibly think of things to say every day – and I said I’ll never run out of stories. But the truth is, especially at Christmas time, I’m compelled to write and share light and I was reminded of that at the Candlelight service today – just one candle in a room of darkness creates a massive amount of light; I hope that even one of these emails reaches out to the darkest spaces of our world and sheds even just a tiny bit of light.
Back to it. I’ve found that, in life, the more you give – of yourself, your time, your energy, your resources, etc, the more you gain. Have you noticed that? Think about it – what is to be gained by purposely NOT giving? Does your heart feel more full bc you didn’t give? I think not. Are you more trusted because you DIDN’T trust others? Nope, I bet not.
I love meeting people from all walks of life and truly find joy in learning others stories and seeing where I can give or contribute to their space – maybe it’s a long term thing, or maybe it’s a one time meeting. Regardless, our paths have crossed and to have an encounter without giving, just seems goofy to me! I’m not alone in this thought process, it is what our team does every single day.
- We met Jean through a mutual connection in a professional circle, we met her back in 2014. Then she re-entered our lives in 2019 and although she was overqualified for a position we were working on – we got her in front of the customer. And well, the rest is history. The team loved her, knew she was a dynamite fit, and we made it work with the budget so it was a win-win-win. It was 1000% teamwork to cross the finish line! The customer recently said, “We could not be happier. She is absolutely wonderful. I often hear what a great add she has been and she blended with the team! We are blessed to have her”
- David came to us after retiring from UPS as a driver for 30 years. He was staying at home but found himself bored! He wanted to work to stay busy – he’s one of those solid candidates you just LOVE to tell your customers about – he works to serve, not to make money.
- Our customer, Brian worked for Vision 13 years ago. The company and the customer he was working for laid off several employees. He found a position at a new company in the meantime on his own. The company he was laid off from reached out to Vision and wanted him back. We called him and asked him if he would like to return back. He said he was happy at his new position but not happy with their staffing service! The rest, as they say, is history!
- ” Josh came to Vision looking for a better opportunity for himself and his family. He had been working at Menards for over 2 years. He was a 2nd shift employee with hours that did not allow him to have much of a work/home life balance. With two small children he wanted to be able to provide financially for them as well as be able to see them grow up and be a present active father. He was very passionate about Vision and what we represented. He expressed interest in an opening that had some potential for hire; we got him started and right away we received nothing but EXCELLENT performance feedback on Josh! He was an excellent communicator and would call me frequently to ask how he was doing and if I knew if he would be one of the ones to get hired on. I encouraged him every step of the way to keep up his hard work, his attendance and it will pay off and be noticed! Well it was. Our customer hired him on – and not only that bue he was recognized with an award from them as their top picker in October! He called to personally thank me for believing in him and for Vision for giving him the opportunity! He said he couldn’t be happier with his career and it’s the happiest he has been in years!!! “
Being people connectors is more than just folks falling into our laps. It’s conscious choices every single day that create these moments of ‘happenstance’. It’s giving, and giving and giving without expecting anything in return. and then giving again that creates the magic. I think this is true in most facets of our lives 🙂
Give more with purpose!
Merry Christmas to you and yours,
I love reading your stories of success
Hi Stephanie, We appreciate the opportunity to connect people and make a difference. 🙂 Thank you for reading our stories!