Graduation is happening all over the country. The college graduates today will be the business leaders of tomorrow. It’s essential that your company know how to attract and hire top talent from the class of 2023 and beyond. How do you spread your brand awareness to those ready to find their first professional job out of college? Here are a few tips to get started.
Upskilling is a Feature
Young professionals, especially the GenZ graduates about to enter the market, are looking for career growth. They want to work for a company willing to invest in their future. When you use upskilling as a feature of the job, you can attract more recent college grads interested in learning the ropes.
Commitment to DEI
Today’s graduates are also very interested in seeing companies commit to diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. DEI is about creating company cultures that recognize the importance of diversity, give more people a seat at the table, and are willing to listen to everyone’s perspectives. This is extremely important to the graduating class of 2023.
Mental Wellness Support
We learned a lot during the pandemic, and one lesson was about workplace stress and anxiety and a company’s role in supporting mental well-being. While remote work can assist in the creation of a better work/life balance, there are more things organizations can do for their employees. Offering access to mental health care through insurance or subsidizing subscriptions to online therapy platforms.
Environmental Consideration
The next generation is also concerned about climate change, and for a good reason. They will be the generation to deal with today’s decisions globally. Working for companies with vital environmental considerations will be a big selling point to recent graduates, even for jobs outside that industry.
All across the country, job seekers are no longer applying for jobs that don’t list the salary range. Several states have enacted laws that require companies to include salary in job descriptions. You’re losing good-quality candidates without being transparent about your pay rates. Be competitive and provide this information without playing games.
The Vision Companies can find you graduates that are eager to work!