Summers are not what they were back when we were kids. As children, we didn’t have any responsibilities except have fun in the summer sun. Now that you’re all grown up, you’re likely working full-time all summer. But you can have your proverbial cake and eat it too. Here are some of our best tips for making the most of your summer while working full-time.
Shift to Flex Hours
Talk to your employer about more flexible hours. Maybe you would like to come in earlier and leave earlier. Or perhaps you need a half-day off a week but can make the hours up at other times. Creative solutions may allow you more flexible hours during the summer.
Take Your PTO Days
It’s not uncommon for people to hold on to their PTO days indefinitely, but this can cause burnout. Don’t be afraid to take your vacation time. Give your supervisor plenty of notice and go through the proper channels to request the time off, but don’t skip it altogether because you’re afraid of missing out on something in the office.
Take Advantage of Holidays and Long Weekends
Leave your work at the office. Take advantage of the summer holidays and long weekends. You know that you always have Memoria Day, the 4th of July, and Labor Day so make the most of those days off. Make plans with friends and family and don’t think about work while you’re away.
Make Plans After Work and on Weekends
Having something to look forward to after work and on weekends is essential to staying motivated and engaged in the summertime. Make plans with friends after work. Go to sports games or parks on the weekends. Host a cookout for friends and neighbors. Your creativity is your only limit.
Go Outside on Your Lunch Hour
You can also break up your workday by going outside during your breaks. Any time the weather is nice, take your lunch break outside. Go for a walk. Drive to a local park and eat your lunch picnic style. Get out of the office rather than spending your lunchtime at your desk.
Lastly, if you’re ready to look for a new job that may offer you more flexibility this summer, browse our open opportunities today!